Behind the show, next to you.

Behind the show, next to you.

Behind the show, next to you.

about us

Consolo Hub is a project launched with the main purpose to connect all our brands and activities, to make them complementary and to help guiding our clients in the extensive offer of services that we offer.

The brands under our Consolo Hub are: Consolo Produzioni, Consolo RealEspace, Consolo Retail and Italian Short Rent.

The synergy between our brands is the result of our constant commitment in finding the best solutions. The encounter of all these units has created a winning team, qualified in the industry of events, the location scouting  and the apartments short rental, the retail management.

We offer the best services related to these activities and we constantly work with a B2B and B2C public.

our brands

Consolo Produzioni is an agency qualified in the supply of services for events. Since more than 20 years supports international companies and marketing and PR agencies in the creation of events for any sector and industry, with a special focus on fashion and design. We also offer alternative form of communications…

Consolo RealEspace is a main player in Milan for the management and the research of prestigious locations for events and temporary shops. We boast a portfolio of more than 150 locations of different typology. Thanks to our know-how in the real estate world, our goal is to increase the value of the properties and…

Consolo Retail deals with the activity related to the retail management and other organizational methods for improving the sale’s activities and brand awareness. Our agency is qualified opening, coordinating and development of concept stores and temporary shops, in city shopping streets  and outlets, providing all the services that your company needs…

ISR is an agency that manages the rentals of apartments for medium and short staying. We provide a large number of useful services to our customers during their  journey in Milan. Our main clients are companies and foreign students. We collaborate with all kind of properties in the main and central district of the city…



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